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BroadSign and LocaModa Join Forces to Enhance Digital Signage with Social Media Integration
SITeam -
BroadSign International, LLC, a leader in digital signage software solutions, has partnered with LocaModa Inc, a pioneer in cross-channel media solutions, to offer advanced...
LocaModa Coming To A ScreenScape Near You
KeelAha -
Combination of ScreenScape Digital Signage Network And LocaModa Place-Based Social Media Platform Enables Powerful End-To-End Marketing Solutions LocaModa and ScreenScape today announced they are collaborating...
LocaModa 4.0 Simplifies Place-Based Applications and Advertising
KeelAha -
Platform Delivers Ease of Use, Robust Scalability, Standard Advertising Units and Enhanced Location Engagement LocaModa today announced the latest version of its place-based social media...
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