InfoSign Media, a visual communications company specializing in creating customizable, educational digital media content and the supporting networks for dental offices, has expanded the capability of their popular ServDentist™ TV product with social media features.
InfoSign Media has enabled the use of social media content within the ServDentist™ TV platform including logos and updates from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social media channels. InfoSign Media has made this new process a manual step implemented by the operator, which allows for pre selection of only the desired social media content.
Subscribers can also integrate their own YouTube videos into ServDentist™ TV and display them, along with their other ServDentist™ personalized content. QR Codes can also be added to in-office displays as well.
“These were features and capabilities that our customers had suggested and we are pleased to offer this new functionality. Dentists can now further individualize the information content they display to their patients in waiting rooms”, said Yves Corsi, President of InfoSign Media.
ServDentist™ TV is a library of video content of over 140 different computer animated dental procedures, personalized clips, created and stored on a digital player in the dentist’s office for display on TV screens in their reception areas. Dentists subscribe to the ServDentist™ TV service, which includes clips on procedures aesthetics, surgeries, cosmetics, orthodontics, prevention, prosthodontics and entertainment. The service is a proven method of informing patients about various procedures. Research indicates that patients are inclined to request additional services.
The ServDentist™ TV product features a secure, simple Web-based management interface which enables clinic operators to choose the most informative and relevant clips from the InfoSign 2D/3D video library, resulting in unique, fully localized custom and private office television networks. Using the service, operators can add their clinic logos, dates, RSS news feeds, welcome messages for patients, personalized text, staff profiles and even before-and-after pictures of showcase patient treatments.
Introduced in 2007, over 500 dentists now subscribe to the service. InfoSign Media created all of the ServDentist™ TV content and the Web management interface which is available to subscribers on a 24-7 basis.
About InfoSign Media
InfoSign Media offers visual communication solutions designed specifi-cally for the waiting and OP rooms and web sites of dentists, orthodon-tists and denturists. Well-known for its unique approach and the quality of its contributions, InfoSign Media produces and distributes ready-to-go, digital TV signage, with dynamic and interactive content. With more than 500 projects to its credit, InfoSign Media works closely with its cli-ents and partners to offer innovative visual communications solutions.
For more details on ServDentist™ TV, Solo and web animated services solutions for dental professionals, please visit:
Source: InfoSign Media