Sunday, January 26, 2025


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Monster Media logo1One shudders to think about the hours of boredom ensued by layovers and flight delays. Travelers now have a way to stay busy during their downtime with a groundbreaking multi-touch display that turns everyone into Edgar Allen Poe.

Monster Media, the global leader of out-of-home interactive advertising, has created the first ever multi- touch display of this size used in an airport environment. The massive nine linked LCD screens allow users to access a word bank to create and submit original works of poetry through a simple touch. For inspiration, participants can view previously submitted poems.

This approximately 8’ by 12’ multi-touch experience broadens the boundaries of immersive technology and allows for greater user engagement. With this innovative feature, the number of people capable of executing their works of art at one time is limitless. Dual-touch technology, multi-touches precursor, only permits one user to activate the system at a time.

“People who thrive on being busy now have something new and productive to do that will keep their minds off watching the clock while they wait,” says Chris Beauchamp, CEO of Monster Media. “A multi-touch system has never been done on this scale before and we are thrilled to fuse together this groundbreaking technology with such a catchy concept.”

Monster Media and Clear Channel Airports, joined forces with Outdoor Advertising Group and Creature to present Microsoft Hotmail with this experience in the Seattle Airport (SEA-TAC).

SEA-TAC is a new venue for Monster Media, who currently has over 30 installations in airports domestically. This permanent system is the first to have multi-touch added to the gestural and mobile phone technology that already exists on all Monster airport displays.

The Microsoft Hotmail ad will launch on May 21 and run through June 30. Monster Media will monitor the display around the clock and track the total number of users to provide Microsoft with an accurate ROI.

About the company:
Monster Media remains the leader of advertising that responds to consumers body movements and storefront domination programs. Their ability to deliver quality programs and customer service has allowed them to expand their presence across the globe with network applications including: storefront dominations, mass transit, airports, sport and entertainment venues and custom events. Since its inception in 2003, Monster Media has executed nearly 300 storefront ads globally and worked with clients such as HBO, Lexus, Target, Microsoft, MTV and Timberland to bring their messages to life. All campaigns are monitored and maintained around the clock by Monster Media. For more information on Monster Media, please go to:

Source: Monster Media

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