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Lucozade ‘fuel’ the UK’s festival goers with Amscreen
SITeam -
Amscreen, the UK’s largest Digital Media owner, has announced a deal with Lucozade that will help them target potential customers en route to key...
Honda put Amscreen in the driving seat
SITeam -
The UK’s largest Digital (Out of Home Media) owner, Amscreen, has today launched a campaign with Honda that will see the car manufacturer be...
Amscreen signs up Welcome Break to digital forecourt network
KeelAha -
Leading digital signage provider and media owner continues dominance of the motorway market Amscreen, the UK’s largest nationwide digital media network owner, has today announced...
Amscreen Fix It for Wickes
KeelAha -
Leading digital signage provider delivers campaign in record time Amscreen, the UK’s largest nationwide digital media network owner, has teamed up with Home...
Brulines acquires Bolton-based Amscreen M2M
KeelAha -
Leading digital signage company Amscreen has announced it has sold the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) side of its business to Brulines, the leading provider of real...
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