Sunday, January 26, 2025

BP use digital signage to optimise the relevance of their internal communication

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Air BP logo1Picture the staff notice board, full of old literature, scruffy notes and generally overcrowded and overlooked. Now imagine a network of digital displays, transmitting relevant company information in a way that gets noticed.

AllSee Technologies worked along side a major digital content management company to provide an internal communication network for Air BP, the specialised aviation division of BP. The popular 19” Digital Advertising Displays were used to narrowcast the Safe2go project. Screens were installed into 26 aviation fuelling stations at airports across the UK. Using this method of internal communication meant that all locations could be updated simultaneously. The project’s content included:

• General health and safety information
• Company policies
• Crucial services and procedures
• Up to the minute action information
• Risk prevention
• Company recruitment
• Warning notices
• Fire safety information

Content was displayed in an extremely visually effective and informative manner, helping to convey the messages to staff. “The Safe2go project was a huge success,” explains Dominika Pidzik of BP. “The Digital Advertising Displays offered numerous advantages over our old static notice boards which very rarely got updated or looked at and had a very unprofessional appearance.” As well as providing the hardware for the project full technical support and customer service was provided by AllSee Technologies.

Internal communication is at the heart of every business but is often poorly handled and presented causing it to miss its objectives. A sure fire way to maximise the effectiveness of your internal communication is to use digital signage. So throw out your useless corkboard and consider the benefits of a digital signage internal communications network.

Media Contact Information
Name: Thomas Fraser-Bacon
Email: thomas.fraser-bacon [at]
Phone: 01216224031

Source: AllSee Technologies

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