Wednesday, January 15, 2025

NAVORI QL Digital Signage Platform Powers Mexican Foods Company for Menu Boarding and Advertisement

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Navori logoThe Mexican Foods Company that operates the Carls’s Jr, opted for the NAVORI QL Digital Sign-age platform to power the menu boarding and advertisement screens.

The Junior Mexican Foods Company that operates the Carls’s Jr quick ser-vice restaurants franchises in Mexico, opted for the NAVORI QL Digital Sign-age platform to power the menu boarding and advertisement screens. Navori’s certified partner MDM (Megapantallas de Mexico, SA de CV) did the entire project integration. MDM’s CEO Gerardo Ylizaliturri ex-plains: “we are solution providers; we are in the business to solve problems, not create them. That is why we be-came the authorized partner of the Navori Digital Signage technology.

The NAVORI QL software is powerful, relia-ble, versatile, has an excellent play-back quality and ease of operation, allowing us to provide our customers with solutions, not headaches. After some bad experiences with other ven-dors, Junior Foods was initially very skeptical. The short learning curve of the software was part of the decision; after half an hour of training the marketing manager was up and running the system. Ten days after a success-ful pilot project of one month we got clearance from Junior Foods Company and NAVORI QL is now operational running the QSR Signage in all 37 Carl’s Jr franchises with further expan-sion ahead.” The NAVORI QL Digital Signage Software is especially fitting the QSR and catering markets given the ability to implement data feeds and real-time information, both centrally managed at marketing level or locally by the fran-chise manager” sais Mr Guillermo Orellana, NAVORI Sales Manager for South America.

“Pricing and promotions, cross marketing and ads can be scheduled centrally and local price changes or events can be easily updated and out of stock items are simply removed from the menu board. Along with the play-out quality of NAVORI QL this thrives food and certainly side-order sales, resulting in more than positive turnover statistics. The system installed at Cal’s Jr started paying itself back from day one.

About Carl’s Jr

Carl’s Jr is a fast food restaurant mainly active in the southern and south western United States. The company is seriously expanding in the South America, Europe, Russia and the Far East. Founded by Carl N. Karcher in 1941, Carl’s Jr is the #5 fast food chain in the US after Subway, McDon-alds, Burger King and Wendy’s.

About MDM

MDM (Megapantallas de Mexico, SA de CV) is a Certified NAVORI VAR and provider of integrated solutions in digital signage and in addition to the sale and rental of equipment for digital signage, MDM offers several optional services such as content management of all or part of its own network or external customers.


Navori International SA is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, and operates sales and support offices in North and South America, Australia and New Zea-land, and Saudi Arabia.

With its latest software release, Navori QL, the company tops its 15 years of experience offering the most reliable and user friendly solution available on the market.

The average annual growth exceeding 30% over the last years proves the lead-ership position Navori obtained, and its QL platform is poised to set a new stand-ard in the digital signage industry.

To find out more please visit the Navori web site at

Source: Navori

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