Zoom Media®– the largest targeted lifestyle media in Canada – is pleased to announce its new relationship with Toronto’s OCAD University. Zoom will be providing OCAD U with its classic billboards and has the privilege to be the first OOH vendor to partner with them.
“We are excited to begin this new-found partnership with OCAD University.,” says Éric Fortin, Vice-President, Operations and Development, for Zoom Media in Canada. “OCAD U is a well-respected educational institution and we are pleased to be associated with such an establishment.”
he concluded.
“We see this partnership as win-win-win,” says Deanne Fisher, Associate Vice-President, Students at OCAD University. “Not only does it bring in a much-needed stream of revenue to help us support our students, but the Zoom frames provide us with a very effective means of getting our own messages across.”
The 3 year venue partnership agreement will commence immediately and installations will be up and running for the start of the 2012-2013 school year. With OCAD U now a part of Zoom Media’s long list of refined and diverse establishments, Zoom now officially has relationships and inventory in all 4 major Toronto universities: University of Toronto, Ryerson, York and OCAD University. Zoom Media offers its clients the largest campus network in Canada, delivering close to 14 million weekly impressions.
About OCAD University
OCAD University () is Canada’s “university of imagination.” The university, founded in 1876, is dedicated to art and design education, practice and research and to knowledge and invention across a wide range of disciplines. OCAD University is building on its traditional, studio-based strengths, adding new approaches to learning that champion cross-disciplinary practice, collaboration and the integration of emerging technologies. Located in the heart of Toronto, Canada’s largest centre for design, culture and business, OCAD U is now home to approximately 4,000 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate degree programs
About Zoom Media Group Inc. (“Zoom Media”):
Zoom Media, through its subsidiary Zoom Media Inc., is the largest targeted lifestyle media in Canada, comprising more than 30,000 billboards in over 4,000 establishments across 30 markets, including Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. Zoom Media reaches specific target audiences through eight complementary networks that include resto-bars, college and university campuses, and fitness centers. Research, event marketing, creative production and media integration services are also provided. Zoom Media provides third-party media measurement through Nielsen media performance audits of all Zoom Media clients. Zoom Media is a member of COMB and provides audited circulation of its advertising panels which report 99.4 per cent accuracy in our performance, the highest percentage of all OOH companies that are audited by COMB. Overall, through all of its subsidiaries Zoom Media owns and operates over 80,000 billboards across North America and Europe, of which more than 26,000 are digital. www.zoommedia.com
For more information contact:
Christie Spiropoulos
Zoom Media
Tel: (514) 448-9820.
Fax: (514) 448-7876.
E-mail: cspiropoulos [at] zoommedia.com
Source: Zoom Media