Noventri released Noventri Suite Version 2.4 with PowerPoint compatibility feature and now provides a video tutorial on importing and integrating PowerPoint slides into Noventri Suite digital signage software.
Noventri announces a video tutorial that explains how to import and integrate PowerPoint slides into the Noventri Suite digital signage software. With this recently added feature in Version 2.4 of Noventri Suite, end-users can now use existing PowerPoint (PPT) projects, thus eliminating any immediate learning curves.
The following video is a quick tutorial for understanding how to import PPT slides, assigning transitions to those slides and placing the slides within existing projects or assigning them as a new project.
Noventri Suite can be installed on any modern windows-based computer and is the companion software to the Noventri Eco-Series SF-100e digital signage player. Users must have a copy of PowerPoint software installed on their PC to access this Noventri Suite feature.
Noventri Suite functions as a stand-alone simple digital signage player; although some features, such as scheduling, transitions, and database features are functions that are performed when combined with the Eco-Series line of Noventri players. The PowerPoint feature is available to use without the Noventri digital signage player. Noventri Suite is a no-cost digital signage software; there are no licenses, no subscriptions, and no hidden costs of any kind.
For a free copy of the software request a demonstration of the product at:
For information contact Judy L. Hoffman at: judyh [at] or call 301-790-0103.
Noventri – a Division of Specialized Communications Corp. (est. 1980) – Noventri succeeds by simplifying the digital signage experience and serves such names as Quiznos, ARAMARK, Marriott, and numerous stadiums, arenas, convention centers and hotels worldwide. Noventri headquarters are located at: 20940 Twin Springs Dr., Smithsburg, Maryland 21783-1510. URL:
Source: Noventri