Sunday, February 16, 2025

Noventri Announces PowerPoint-Friendly Upgrade to Noventri Suite Digital Signage Software

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Noventri logoNoventri has released the free download of Noventri Suite Version 2.4 digital signage software.

Noventri announces an upgrade to Noventri Suite digital signage software. Version 2.4 of Noventri Suite delivers PowerPoint import functionality, image drop folder capability, enhanced user experience and various bug fixes.

PowerPoint compatibility means that users can import an existing PowerPoint project as part of their digital signage content by simply loading PowerPoint files to Noventri Suite.

“We had three objectives while producing Version 2.4 of Noventri Suite,” says Andrew Hoffman, VP at Noventri. “First, we want the user experience to be simple and easy. Second, we didn’t want those that are coming from a PowerPoint workflow to start from scratch. Third, using Noventri digital signage should be fun. I think those objectives have been met.”

New features in Version 2.4 of Noventri Suite include:

  • PowerPoint Compatibility
  • Multi-Select Cut, Copy, and Paste
  • Region Search/Find
  • Various Bug Fixes
  • Image List and Drop Folder
  • Text Region with 128 Character Limit is removed.
  • Overall Enhanced User Experience

Noventri Suite can be installed on any modern windows-based computer and is the companion software to the Noventri Eco-Series SF-100e digital signage player. Users can create content in resolutions up to 1920 x 1200, add multiple region types, and overlap other regions with full transparencies while using industry standard image formats such as .jpg, .png, and .bmp.

Noventri Suite functions as a stand-alone simple digital signage player; although some features, such as scheduling, transitions, and database features are functions that are performed when combined with the Eco-Series line of Noventri players. Noventri Suite is a no-cost digital signage software; there are no licenses, no subscriptions, and no hidden costs of any kind.

For a free copy of the software request a demonstration of the product at: All demo recipients will receive a free copy of Noventri Suite software.

For information contact Judy L. Hoffman at: judyh [at] or call 301-790-0103.


Noventri – a Division of Specialized Communications Corp. (est. 1980) – Noventri succeeds by simplifying digital signage and serves such names as Quiznos, ARAMARK, Marriott, and numerous stadiums, arenas, convention centers and hotels worldwide. Noventri headquarters are located at: 20940 Twin Springs Dr., Smithsburg, Maryland 21783-1510. URL:

Source: Noventri

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