For several years, ZetaDisplay has offered its media platform for Digital Signage to banks and estate agents, and it has had a good reception by the market. It is ZetaDisplays promise to be a complete supplier, whereby the company also takes care of operation and the production of content to be shown on the displays that meets the needs of Sparbanken Finn very successfully. The bank has a score of banking outlets in south-west and central Skåne (which is in the southern part of Sweden), and the extent of supply to these banks has now increased.
By having ZetaDisplays media platform, Sparbanken Finn will strengthen its communication with customers in its banking premises. Local offers and arrangements will be shown, together with offers and information from their web site. This provides a link both in the home and at the bank.
“We are pleased that our co-operation with Sparbanken Finn is on the increase. ZetaDisplay puts a lot of effort into long term client relations and this includes working together with clients, to develop their offers. Satisfied clients are our best marketing tool,” says Leif Liljebrunn, CEO for ZetaDisplay AB.
Source: ZetaDispaly