Mall media operator EYE today releases the results from its EYE Teen Shopper Profile study conducted by Arbitron, Inc. The study provides an in-depth look at the consumer behavior of teenagers as well as their relationship with mall advertising. The study identifies that teens:
Visit the mall more often
Spend more time per visit
Visit more shops
Spend a greater percentage of their disposable income in malls than adults.Conducted during November, 2008, Arbitron surveyed teens in five key EYE malls representative of the population. Participants were asked questions regarding:
Their purchasing habits
Reasons for visiting the mall
Mood experienced at the mall
Demographic information and more.
The EYE Teen Shopper Profile study shows that mall advertising is an incredibly valuable advertising medium for reaching teens.
Teens visit EYE malls an average of five times per month.
Teens visit about five stores and spend approximately two hours in the mall each visit.
Teens spend over $150 per month at EYE malls; over 52 percent of their income.
Nearly 80 percent of teens who went to an EYE mall to browse and socialize ended up making a purchase. So mall advertising is an especially effective medium for influencing the purchase decisions of teens. These teens are more likely to make purchasing decisions while at the mall.
An interesting trend that emerged from the study is that teens in EYE malls are much more likely to be early adopters than teens in general. When compared to the average teen, EYE teens are more than twice as likely to buy or try new products or services either first or before most of their peers.
“With the growth of place-based media, advertisers seek credible audience metrics to demonstrate their size and value,” said Carol Edwards, Senior Vice President, Out-of-Home Services, Arbitron Inc. “The EYE Teen Shopper Profile by Arbitron was conducted by Arbitron Custom Research to help advertisers understand the value of mall audiences by providing insights about the characteristics of teens who are exposed to EYE displays.”
“One of the reasons for embarking on this teen research was the lack of mall information available for advertisers who are targeting the teen market. This research is making the connection between the types of value mall media can offer as a communication channel and teens’ behavior beyond demographics and visitation,” commented Cassandra Thomas-Smith, EYE Global Insights Director.
The EYE Teen Shopper Profile study by Arbitron can be viewed online at
The EYE portfolio in the USA encompasses over 3,500 panels in 250 shopping malls across the country, with more than half the portfolio sitting in the top 30 DMAs. EYE’s digital network includes nine malls across the country and consists of 69 digital units.
About EYE
EYE has offices in and operates Out-of-Home media businesses in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Eye Corp Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ten Network Holdings Limited, a publicly listed company, which operates Australia’s TEN television network.
About Arbitron
Arbitron Inc. is a media and marketing research firm serving radio broadcasters, cable companies, advertisers, advertising agencies and Outdoor advertising companies. Arbitron’s core businesses are measuring network and local market radio audiences across the United States; surveying the retail, media and product patterns of local market consumers; and providing application software used for analyzing media audience and marketing information data. The company has developed the Portable People Meter, a new technology for media and marketing research.
Source: EYE