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DISplayer³ Eco and ClickShare win InAVation Award!
SITeam -
Every year at the Integrated Systems Europe trade show, the InAVation Awards recognize all that is excellent and innovative in EMEA's AV market. This...
Barco introduces innovative free-standing structures for tiled LCD video walls
SITeam -
Global visualization expert Barco is showcasing its innovative new structures for tiled LCD video walls at the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) trade show in...
World’s most flexible touch technology ready for Digital Media Player signage networks
SITeam -
Today visualplanetâ„¢ is thrilled to reveal a new version of its pioneering touchfoilâ„¢ designed exclusively to satisfy the exploding demand for touch solutions for...
Outstanding projects from all parts of Europe nominated for the Digital Signage Best Practice Award 2010
17 impressive projects: with a high technical standard, creativity and customer-orientation, the nominees for the Digital Signage Best Practice Award 2010 demonstrate...
Barco acquires digital signage specialist dZine
KeelAha -
Strategic acquisition broadens Barco's product portfolio with software tools for content creation and distribution Barco, a world leader in LED display solutions, announced today it...
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