Digital Signage Applications
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Signagelive unveils its latest capabilities and collaborations at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) Amsterdam
SITeam -
Signagelive develops plug-and-play applications for Instorescreen, IAdea and Samsung’s new smart signage platform Signagelive, a UK-based technology company that specialises in developing cloud-based digital signage...
Digital Signage Professionals can now Deliver 3D Presentations Quickly With the Latest Version of a 3D PowerPoint add-on
SITeam -
Presente3D, the stereoscopic 3D add-on for Microsoft PowerPoint, announced today that it released an updated version of its 3D presentation software. It can now...
NEXCOM New Car PC for Mobile Digital Signage Applications – VTC 2000
KeelAha -
The VTC 2000 is a cost-effective car pc for use in transportation applications. Featuring the low power Intel® Atom™ processor, the VTC 2000 system...
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