daylight readable monitor
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Caltron adds the HBT-0842O to complete the high bright series
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Caltron releases theHBT-0842O, 8.4” Open Frame High Bright LED Backlit Monitor to the popular line of open frame high bright monitors. Just like all...
Caltron Set to Introduce A High Bright 17” Open Frame Monitor
SITeam -
With the electronics and industrial industry constantly changing to adapt to the needs of integrators and OEMs, Caltron is releasing the HBT-1704O, 17” Open...
Caltron adds the HBT-1904O to the fast growing line of Open Frame High Bright Monitors
SITeam -
With the growing demand for high bright screens in larger sizes, Caltron has been able to put together the HBT-1904O, 19” Open Frame High...
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