Rise Vision, Inc., a provider of a web-based content management system for the control of digital signage networks, announces a new reseller loyalty program, Rise Rewards. Resellers earn cash toward future purchases of Rise Vision products and services, enabling them to continuously improve their profits as they expand their client base for Rise Vision s subscription-based content management system, Rise Display Network.
The Rise Rewards program provides resellers the ability to accrue rewards for each customer renewal to the Rise Display Network, which in turn can be used as cash for future purchases. For each $10 in customer renewals, Rise Vision resellers earn one Reward, worth $1 toward their next purchase of Rise Vision products.
The Rise Display Network (RDN) provides one of the easiest ways for resellers to get involved in the fast-growing digital signage marketplace. Customers can get started quickly with minimal investment by using the online, SaaS-hosted interface of RDN. They do not need to purchase special equipment or manage an involved software-installation process, and can use any Windows-based computer to access Rise Display Network online. Customers require no training to start creating digital signage displays that incorporate video, graphics, and text. A subscription to RDN includes unlimited live data, such as headline news, financial information and stock quotes, sports scores, and weather.
We recognize the important role that resellers can play in growing the digital signage marketplace, and want to encourage and reward their efforts, says Ron Levac, President, Rise Vision, Inc. Our Rise Rewards program is simple to use, and offers the powerful incentive of cash back for every reseller that is responsible for a customer renewal.
About Rise Vision, Inc.
Rise Vision, Inc. owns, develops, and operates the Rise Display Network, a web-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) content management system for digital signage that brings live data, custom messages, and content to thousands of displays. The Rise Display Network is a web service that does not require hosting infrastructure; users login from any Internet-accessible browser to update, control, and monitor their displays, or use their smart-phone browser to send critical alerts. Every display needs a message ” we believe that it should be as easy as creating that message from the web, anywhere, anytime and knowing that it has been delivered. It s that simple. For more information, call 877.638.7473 or visit www.risevision.com.
Ryan Cahoy
Rise Vision, Inc.
rjc [at] risevision.com
Alison Harris
Harris Media Services
alison [at] harrismediaservices.com
Source: Rise Vision