Keywest Technology just released three videos in a growing series that explain the sometimes-mysterious operation of digital signage management.
After answering hundreds if not thousands of questions about how MediaZone Pro digital signage solutions are managed, Keywest’s Educator-in-
Since Bage’s digital signage experience began in the early ’90s when the only systems available were operated from Amiga Commodore computers, he was the perfect candidate to produce these videos. His appreciation of modern computer software comes across in a perky, straightforward fashion that makes watching the videos enjoyable.
According to Bage, “It used to take days to explain how to manage digital signage on older systems, but with the release of MediaZone Pro, the whole process can be explained in less than 30 minutes.”
Tasked with training clients both onsite and online through Webinars for Keywest Technology, Bage believes these newly released videos answer the most common questions of digital signage users.
Bage noted, “Of course, more advanced customers that are using servers and automated media acquisition on both private and cloud networks will still need additional training to commission a complex digital signage system, but these digital signage management videos will help significantly those who are operating the system on the admin level.”
Even though MediaZone Pro is a network-based digital signage system, Bage leaves out the IT lingo that often shadows high-tech products. He credits the ability of MediaZone Pro, which is designed on Windows® 7 motif and compatibility, in making these succinct videos possible.
Anyone who is interested in the “how to” of digital signage management is encouraged to view the recently released videos that explain how to create a playlist, how to send a playlist, and how to add extra media, such as Twitter feeds, web pages, RSS, weather and news feeds. The videos are available for viewing at