Tuesday, February 18, 2025

South Birmingham Primary Care Trust chooses ONELAN for Surgery Signage

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South Birmingham Primary Care Trust
South Birmingham Primary Care Trust

South Birmingham Primary Care Trust (NHS) wanted a method for delivering messages to the patients at 65 surgeries across South Birmingham from their Head Office in Kings Norton.  ONELAN Digital Signage was chosen to achieve this.

The Trust had the following key objectives for their digital signage:

To Educate

Answer common health and surgery questions thereby achieving improved staff productivity, fewer visits, better patient health and earlier patient awareness of health problems

To Entertain

Reduce perceived waiting time to achieve happier patients by showing live TV.

In an Emergency

Showing of Instant messages

ONELAN Century NTB 615s have been installed in all 65 of the doctors’ surgeries, and three ONELAN Millenium NTB 5000s have been installed in the Head Office.

The content on the Century Series 615 Net-Top-Boxes (NTBs) in each of the surgeries comprises a combination of the following:

Practice updates

Local RSS News feed

Practice messages & alerts

Government health videos

It can be made relevant to the day’s surgery and easily changeable at the location by the receptionists.  Ad Hoc messages are also set up so the receptionist can quickly inform the patients if the surgery is on time or not.  This service gives the patients a relaxed signage system with pertinent information.  There is also an override facility.  If there is an incident e.g.: the recent swine flu outbreak, then HQ can override scheduled content to show the emergency content.

The main implementation issues involved included:

Overcoming security issues

With the obvious issues of patient confidentiality, security was of paramount importance. With the excellent security features of ONELAN’s NTBs any concerns were soon overcome. ONELAN is even approved for use in high security applications such as finance in Government and Banking.

Overcoming user reluctance

It was essential that the NTB software interface was simple enough for NHS staff to use so they could update the information being displayed on the Net-Top-Boxes with minimal training.  At the same time, the software had to be sophisticated enough for the signage requirements of the Trust Head Office.

Surgery Network Conformity

As every surgery has its own non standardised network, while the Trust Head Office is able to publish information on all the NTBs in every surgery, it is unable to ‘see’ whether each NTB is working properly, and whether there are any faults. To overcome this constraint, OneMedia Services act as a go between, as they monitor all the local NTBs, and forward this information via email back to the Trust Head Office.

The project was managed by SCC (www.scc.com), and supported by ONELAN Ltd and OneMedia Services.  OneMedia Services provide ongoing support.

About OneMedia Services

For companies and organizations using digital signage, OneMedia offers the full range of services commonly required for the successful operation of your digital signage system.

Visit www.onemediaservices.com for further details

About South Birmingham Primary Care Trust

NHS South Birmingham commissions services for a population of 383,000 people.

Currently their Primary Care Services include 64 GP practices, 70 General Dental Practitioners, 85 community Pharmacists, and 51 Opticians.  The trust’s aim is to keep health care close to home and to offer a range of nursing and therapy services to support this through the local GP network.

ONELAN develops network appliances for standalone and end-to-end Digital Signage network solutions. The Net-Top-Box is a mul­timedia, multi-zoned solution capable of Touch Interactivity. With a browser based user inter­face, the system is fully multi-lingual and capable of dis­playing both stored media and live media e.g RSS feeds, web pages and broadcast TV or locally streamed video. Further mem­bers of the product family cater for Enterprise network management and integration with external data sources.

ONELAN’s NTBs are now installed in a wide variety of organisations such as retail, schools, hospitals, and government buildings, as well as some well-known corporates such as Vodafone, Virgin Holidays and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

ONELAN Ltd is based in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.

Visit www.onelandigitalsignage.com for further details.

Press Contact details:
Marion Bourne
email: marion.bourne [at] onelan.com,
phone: +44 (0) 1491 411400

Source: ONELAN

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  1. They are a good company. The sign of a good digital signage company is that they provide saas. Thats software as a service which means that your signage is run as part of a package, helping you save time.

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