Netkom will be exhibiting ONELAN Digital Signage products at several shows in Denmark over the next two months.
They are attending Skolebogmessen, Denmark’s largest trade fair for teaching aids – in Roskilde Congress and Sport Center on 10-11 March 2010. Visitors are primarily teachers and educators.
On 24-25th March 2010 Netkom will be showing ONELAN Digital Signage with their ‘Odin’ (online digital information from ONELAN) concept at Skoleledernes aarskongres in Odense, the annual congress for all decision makers in education.
Finally they will be attending Sign 2010 a leading Scandinavian visual communications and digital signage exhibition, from 7-9th April 2010.
ONELAN develops network appliances for standalone and end-to-end Digital Signage network solutions. The Net-Top-Box is a mul-timedia, multi-zoned solution capable of Touch Interactivity. With a browser based user inter¬face, the system is fully multi-lingual and capable of dis¬playing both stored media and live media e.g RSS feeds, webpages and broadcast TV or locally streamed video. Further mem¬bers of the product family cater for Enterprise network management and integration with external data sources.
ONELAN’s NTBs are now installed in a wide variety of organisations such as retail, schools, hospitals, and government buildings, as well as some well-known corporates such as Vodafone, Virgin Holidays and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
ONELAN Ltd is based in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.
Visit for further details.
Press Contact details:
Marion Bourne
email: marion.bourne [at],
phone: +44 (0) 1491 411400
Source: ONELAN