Interactive advertising
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DSplay joins ISE 2013 with exciting new features
SITeam -
After our rewarding presence in Integrated Systems Europe 2012, we are returning this year to demonstrate the latest innovations in our digital signage platform. DSplay...
never.no Unveils Sync to Allow Multiscreen Interactive Advertising for Social TV
SITeam -
never.no today announced Sync, a unique new toolkit for syncing ad content and creating robust two-way engagement between the first and second screens. The...
Create at Clear Channel launch an out-of-home media first – interactive advertising, amalgamating facial recognition, touch screen and sound
SITeam -
The Create team at Clear Channel, in conjunction with 3D Exposure and CURB, today launched a UK out-of-home industry first - interactive advertising, amalgamating...
iSIGN Media Continues Installation of Antennas in Mac’s Convenience Stores, Gains Widespread Market Buzz
SITeam -
iSIGN Media Solutions Inc., a leading provider of interactive mobile advertising solutions that serves advertisers, manufacturers, retailers and advertising agencies throughout North America, announced...
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