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FNAC Uses Navori To Drive Corporate And Retail Store Communications In Switzerland
SITeam -
FNAC is an international entertainment retail chain offering cultural and electronic products, founded by André Essel and Max Théret in 1954. It is one...
BrightSign Wins Best European Retail Solution of the Year
KeelAha -
Retail Systems magazine has awarded its 2010 European Solution of the Year to BrightSign media players adopted by French retailer FNAC. BrightSign, along with its...
BrightSign Joins TMM Communication in Celebrating Golden Screen Award for France’s Largest Retail Digital Signage Network
KeelAha -
80 FNAC Stores Use 1,500 BrightSign Networked Controllers to Drive Over 3,000 Displays BrightSign, a worldwide leader in standalone and networked controllers for digital signage...
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