DTI VuWall
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Matrox Turns Heads at InfoComm 2011
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Matrox recently showcased its popular graphics solutions and introduced new technologies at InfoComm 2011, attended by 33,000 AV professionals from all over the world....
DTI VuWall Software Now Optimized with Matrox Mura MPX Series for Collaborative Display Walls
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High performance display controller boards combine with intuitive software to simplify video wall deployments for AV integrators and professionals Matrox Graphics Inc. and DT International...
Matrox Mura MPX Series’ New Edge Overlap Feature Facilitates Multi-Projector Soft Edge Blending
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Mura MPX Series display wall controller boards deliver seamless content over up to 24 edge-blending enabled projectors Now available with Matrox Mura MPX Series display...
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