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First No Glasses “Real” 3DTV Consumer Ready, Now.
SITeam -
DaVinci 3D ROKU Channel Rocks 3D Summit with 3D Auto Conversion and AS3D Breakthrough. DaVinci 3D (http://www.davinci3d.com) premiered their line of AS3D hardware and...
3DFusion NO-Glasses 3D Display Technology is Accepted By Industry Experts as Commercially Ready
KeelAha -
After a number of public events involving presentations of 3DFusion display technology, Insight Media Analyst Matt Brenneshultz stated in the November 11, 2010 Display Daily publication, "The...
New Gefen ToolBox Splitters Offer Fast Switching Technology and 3DTV Pass-Through for High Performance Hi-Def Delivery
KeelAha -
Digital connectivity solutions provider Gefen today announced that two new ToolBox Splitters are shipping with Gefen Fast Switching Technology (FST) and 3DTV enabled. Now...
Canvys Partners with PopStar to Elevate Marketing and Branding Options
KeelAha -
Canvys customers gain specialized content and new digital tools, including interactive applications and 3DTV Canvys, a global value-added integrator and manufacturer specializing in creating comprehensive...
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