VIDEO: For more information on the award-winning SoloHeath Station, including a demonstrational video, please click here:
“SoloHealth continues to be a leader in true self-service healthcare solutions,” said David Drain, Executive Director of Digital Screenmedia Association. “This innovative solution enables a broad range of services in an easy-to-use and very effective manner. As evidenced by the grant from NIH, as well as the recent Coinstar funding, SoloHealth is onto something truly revolutionary in the healthcare industry.”
“We are extremely humbled to be honored as an industry leader in excellence for the best healthcare deployment,” said Bart Foster, CEO of SoloHealth. “The SoloHealth Station will impact millions of Americans by providing them with free and easy health screenings, connecting them with local physicians, and allowing them to track their results over time. Self-service healthcare options will play an extremely important role in reducing healthcare costs and improving access moving forward, and we are excited to be a leader in this pivotal new space. Needless to say, we are very bullish on our future.”
Today’s news comes on the heels of automated retail leader Coinstar’s investment in SoloHealth. In 2010, the National Institutes of Health, a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, awarded SoloHealth a $1.2 M grant to address highly problematic areas such as hypertension, obesity, eye health and vision, nutrition and diabetes.
The company’s bilingual healthcare kiosks provide consumers in high-traffic retail and corporate environments with free health screenings and recommendations for follow-up care, which leads to prevention and lower healthcare costs. Additionally, SoloHealth’s platform provides retailers and advertisers with a highly personalized and interactive avenue to reach and engage consumers. Currently, the SoloHealth Station operates kiosks in nine metro markets and is planning to scale nationwide.
SoloHealth’s platform revolves around the kiosk, located in high-traffic retail locations, but extends beyond to numerous consumer touch points. The in-development SoloHealth Station will allow consumer interaction across digital, email, mobile, social and emerging technologies. For example, after the initial screening, users will be able to create accounts that can be accessed from any SoloHealth Station, as well as a future online portal and mobile applications, allowing users to track and trend their health data and wellness information.
About SoloHealth
Based in Atlanta, Ga., SoloHealth® is the leader in self-service healthcare, utilizing technology to develop and deploy interactive health screening kiosks, as well as other platforms, in an effort to empower consumers about their health through awareness, education and action. The award-winning company’s first offering was the EyeSite Vision kiosk, currently located in retail outlets in nine metro markets. In summer 2010, the company received a $1.2 M grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to help enable innovation for self-service healthcare and prevention. In 2011, SoloHealth announced its next-generation kiosk, the SoloHealth Station, offering vision, blood pressure, weight, and body mass index; receive an overall health assessment; and access a database of local doctors. The company’s bilingual kiosks provide free health screenings and recommendations for follow-up care, which leads to prevention and lower health care costs. For more information, visit
Lindsey Gerdes, Marketing Manager
(o) 770-622-4158 (c) 917-693-8045
lindsey.gerdes [at]
Source: SoloHealth