Home News Six in Ten U.S. Adults Have Viewed Place-Based Digital Ads in Last...

Six in Ten U.S. Adults Have Viewed Place-Based Digital Ads in Last 30 Days

GfK MRI Omnibus Study Reveals High Level of Interest in Ads on Video Screens

Nearly 61% of all U.S. adults have viewed advertising on video screens in  public venues in the last 30 days, and more than 64% of them have expressed interest in this form of marketing communication, according to the latest data from GfK MRI.

The data are derived from the Fall 2010 GfK MRI Survey of the American Consumer™ and the 2011 GfK MRI Omnibus Recontact Study.  Questions in the Omnibus Recontact Study pertaining to place-based digital advertising were sponsored by the Digital Place-Based Advertising Association (DPAA) to increase the number of digital place-based advertising venues measured by GfK MRI.

Of the 60.7% of U.S. adults (approximately 138.5 million people) who reported having seen digital place-based advertising, 64.1% expressed an interest in the ads.

Ads on video screens located in grocery stores were the most commonly viewed, with 31.8% of adults reporting having seen this type of ad in the last 30 days.  Grocery stores were followed by quick service/casual dining restaurants, warehouse/club stores, shopping malls, pharmacies and coffee shops/cafes or delicatessens, in that order, as the most likely place consumers viewed place-based video ads.

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Consumer interest in place-based video ads appears positive and consistent.  For instance, in 13 of the 15 venues cited above, between 40% and 55% of consumers expressed interest in the ads.

Completed in April 2011, the GfK MRI Omnibus Recontact Study is a mail survey of approximately 6,500 consumers who previously participated in GfK MRI’s national Survey of the American Consumer.  Initially, data from the Omnibus Recontact Study will be available to GfK MRI agency clients only via the MEMRI system; the DPAA has made the data available on a gratis basis.

“These new data from the Omnibus Recontact Study provide valuable insight into how consumers are embracing place-based digital advertising,” said Susan Danaher, President, DPAA.  “A major focus of ours for the past year has been to create a robust suite of planning tools and metrics to make it easier for agencies and marketers to plan and buy place-based digital media.  These data from GfK MRI are a valuable addition to our database.”

“Place-based digital is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the advertising industry,” said Scott Turner, SVP of Agency and Advertiser Sales at GfK MRI.  “We’re pleased that the DPAA has chosen to enhance the depth and utility of our consumer database for the benefit of their membership and our clients.”


About GfK MRI

GfK MRI has a singular goal: to provide the clearest and most detailed view of American consumers–who they are, what they buy, how they think, and the best ways to reach them.  Founded in 1979, GfK MRI is the country’s leading provider of magazine audience ratings, multimedia research data and penetrating insights into consumers’ behavior and motivations.

When conducting its national Survey of the American Consumer™, GfK MRI interviews approximately 26,000 U.S. adults in their homes each year, asking about their use of media, their consumption of more than 6,000 products in 550 categories, their lifestyles and their attitudes.  Because these interviews are structured as an area probability study, the results are projectable to the entire U.S. adult population.  The Survey also serves as a foundation for an array of innovative GfK MRI research products that answer the market’s need for granular, cross-media and consumer-focused information.

GfK MRI is part of The GfK Group, based in Nuremberg, Germany.  The Group delivers a range of information and consultancy services in three business sectors: Custom Research, Retail & Technology and Media.  It is the No. 4 market research organization worldwide, operates in more than 100 countries and employs over 10,000 staff, more than 80% of whom are based outside of Germany.

For further information on GfK MRI, visit our Web site www.gfkmri.com.  And, join us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/GfKMRI) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/GfKMRINews).

CONTACTS: Anne Marie Kelly, SVP, Marketing and Strategic Planning, GfK MRI: 212-884-9204, annemarie.kelly [at] gfkmri.com; Steve Ellwanger, Press Counsel Group: 203-856-8303, steve [at] presscounselonline.com.

Source: GfK MRI

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